Marketing Blog

90 Day Marketing Plan

90 Day Marketing Plan

This year, more than ever, we’ve seen how drastically life can change virtually overnight. Energy and motivation waxes and wanes for ourselves and our clients. As these days of uncertainly continue to stretch, how we address our clients also needs to change. Having a...

Ninja Tip: Spotify for Marketing – Yes Please!

Ninja Tip: Spotify for Marketing – Yes Please!

If you haven't heard, Spotify is taking the music industry by storm.  It is here to stay. Spotify is an online platform, that for a monthly fee, allows you to create your own playlists OR subscribe to other playlists.  Spotify has a brilliant algorithm that helps make...

The Best 10 Podcasts for Growing Your Business

The Best 10 Podcasts for Growing Your Business

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it is crucial to keep learning. Books have been a universal tool for education for hundreds of years, however, they’re not always the most practical or convenient. It’s now possible to learn from proven mentors...

Delete Facebook? You May Want to Wait

Delete Facebook? You May Want to Wait

We are seeing Twitter trend #DeleteFacebook because of concerns over Facebook’s handling of user’s data. (See NY Times article here).  Before you delete your personal Facebook profile (or Facebook Fan Page) for good, consider the following: Facebook Recent Changes, For Facebook Business (Fan Pages) consider the Following