Marketing Blog
Self-Recorded Videos 5 Ways to Look More Professional
Self-Recorded Videos 5 Ways to Look More Professional – Using video on social media for your small business. Marketing Angel
90 Day Marketing Plan
This year, more than ever, we’ve seen how drastically life can change virtually overnight. Energy and motivation waxes and wanes for ourselves and our clients. As these days of uncertainly continue to stretch, how we address our clients also needs to change. Having a...
Relationship Marketing in 2020: Back to Basics
While working with national chains as well as mom & pop clients around the United States, I am noticing one significant commonality: Relationships are key.
Ninja Tip: Spotify for Marketing – Yes Please!
If you haven't heard, Spotify is taking the music industry by storm. It is here to stay. Spotify is an online platform, that for a monthly fee, allows you to create your own playlists OR subscribe to other playlists. Spotify has a brilliant algorithm that helps make...
The Best 10 Podcasts for Growing Your Business
No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, it is crucial to keep learning. Books have been a universal tool for education for hundreds of years, however, they’re not always the most practical or convenient. It’s now possible to learn from proven mentors...
How Can I Keep Up with My Social Media? 7 Tools to Help You Succeed Online
Social media is one of the best ways to engage with your potential customers. Social media also keeps your business in front of current customers and clients. While each one of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and...
7 Ways to Optimize Google My Business for Your Small Businesses in 2018
Google My Business is a powerful digital marketing tool that often gets overlooked. Most business owners think of it as the online equivalent of an old-fashioned phone book listing. On its surface, that’s what it is, but it can be so much more. Too many small business...
The Effects of the GDPR on your Digital Marketing Strategy
Your business uses a digital marketing strategy in order to make connections with people who are interested in your products or services. If you collect and use personal data in your digital marketing strategy, you need to be aware of the GDPR and how it will affect...
Delete Facebook? You May Want to Wait
We are seeing Twitter trend #DeleteFacebook because of concerns over Facebook’s handling of user’s data. (See NY Times article here). Before you delete your personal Facebook profile (or Facebook Fan Page) for good, consider the following: Facebook Recent Changes, For Facebook Business (Fan Pages) consider the Following
Customer Service – 7 Tips for Excellent Customer Service
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". ~ Maya Angelou This quote from the amazing Maya Angelou is one of the most true statements in life and business. I have learned...