2017 Online Digital and Social Media Trends in 1 Word: CONNECT

by | Jun 1, 2017 | Marketing Trends | 0 comments

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Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

Make a Connection – Be a Connection.

Whether it is engaging in social media marketing, online groups or phone conversations with potential clients, making a connection is key. Assistant Angel has the privilege of working with clients all over the United States and the Caribbean in various industries.  I have noticed a few consistent trends that may help you as you continue on your 2017 marketing efforts.

Connect, Connect, Connect

This has been something that we have seen for a while online, but I am hearing more and more about the NEED for audiences to be able to connect with a brand.


Ask yourself these 3 key questions:

  1. How am I currently connecting with my ideal clients? – Social media, email marketing, facebook ads, google ads, etc?
  2. How are your clients connecting with YOU? Do they chat via email, Facebook Messenger, etc?  Whatever platform or way that your ideal clients are engaging with you – make that a priority and focus.
  3. Are you connecting with your audience’ cause?  What is their pain point?  What is the reason they have a need?  Again, you will notice, it is about the client and answering their questions before they even know they need to ask!

TIP:  When commenting or engaging, don’t talk about yourself.  Talk about the client and their excitement, etc.  If you self-promote, people will not want to listen to you, they will feel they are being sold to.  If you consistently encourage and give support, you will be surprised at how many people respond because it is so different.

Current trends to help with creating a connection online:

  • Facebook Live – In my experience, Facebook Live is one of the few ways that you can reach MOST of your Facebook fans at one time.  Normally, if you put a regular post on Facebook Fan Page – normally only 10% or less of your fans will see it.  Here are some good tips for Facebook Live to help you get started
  • Instagram – Instagram is owned by Facebook and we are noticing a huge growth in engagement in Instagram (because a lot of Facebook ads now post to Instagram as well).  Instagram is a good way to continue engagement, comments, updates etc to stay connected to your people.  You can do that thru comments, hashtags and commenting and re-share other people’s posts. Here are some tips from Forbes about getting the best use of Instagram for engagement.  Also, here is a recent article from Instagram that may help you as well about Hashtag stories
  • Facebook Messenger Ads are a hot trend where a business can connect directly with a potential client. Digital Marketer has a powerful resource on how to use Facebook Messenger Ads in your business.


Connection Consistency

The truth of the matter is, the days of scheduling posts on social media and walking away are over.  I remember in the early days of our Social Media Marketing company, we would put a post on Facebook Fan Page and we would be on the front of google in no time.  Those days are long gone.

You need to connect and engage with your audience.  Be present – answer their questions and more importantly, OFFER VALUE.  Give them a reason to bookmark your page, blog or info.

Also, be patient.  You can not put a post out for 2 weeks in a row and then throw in the towel.

Current online trends to help you be consistent with your online connections

  • Statistics – HubSpot has a great resource for current marketing trends to see what options are available to help give value to your connections.

Connection Transparency telling a Story

Be yourself.  Show your audience and potential clients WHY you are unique and what is your super power (Seth Godin).

No one, in my opinion, is as real as Gary Vaynerchuk from Vaynermedia.  Gary is a cheerleader for authenticity in the marketplace and in his real world.

One way to connect with your audience is to LISTEN to their story as well. Make a connection there to THEIR story.   See WHY they have a pain point and what they are struggling with and how you can be their guide.

Helpful resources to build your connection and share your story with your marketing message:

  • Seth Godin – what is your Super Power ?  This short blog is a powerful resource from one of the most brilliant minds in online marketing.  Seth has a unique way of seeing trends online long before the regular marketplace catches up.
  • Entrepreneur Magazine has a great article on starting your own marketing plan.  This will give you broad view of the best way to come up with a marketing plan to connect with your audience in a positive way.

How About You?

What are some ways that you can connect with your ideal client?  Are you seeing a need for this type of connection in your business?

Connect with Angel

If you would like to connect with Angel as she shares about Digital and Social Media Marketing, as well as her passion for training Virtual Assistants, connect with Angel here:


Ask about hiring Angel to consult for your company to help take the overwhelm out of digital and social media marketing.

About the Author

Angel Lebak Owner Assistant AngelAngel Lebak is the owner of Assistant Angel – Digital and Social Media Managers.  Assistant Angel is a virtual marketing team serving clients worldwide since 2009.

Angel’s passion for small business AND the admin/marketers who serve them, is seen in her latest venture:  Business Marketing Angels.  This monthly membership allows business owners and their admin/marketing team member to get monthly topic training and weekly support for marketing questions they may have.

Angel also offers Marketing Coaching and Consulting for companies on their current online marketing trends.  Angel’s reputation precedes her and she is one of the rising voices in the admin and marketing arena.  Feel free to contact Angel and her team of marketing ninjas here.




Written By Angel Lebak

Written by Angel Lebak, Founder and CEO of Angel Lebak Enterprises. With over two decades of experience in business management and strategic growth, Angel is passionate about helping businesses thrive through effective hiring, marketing, and support solutions.

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