Photo by Tim Bennett on Unsplash
Facebook has responded to online concerns from users. Facebook launched a tool to reveal if your data has been compromised – Daily UK Mail (April 2018)
We are seeing calls for people to delete Facebook with Twitter trending #DeleteFacebook because of concerns over Facebook’s handling of user’s data. (See NY Times article here).
Before you delete your personal Facebook profile (or Facebook Fan Page) for good, consider the following:
Facebook Recent Changes
As in times past on Facebook, we may notice that as the “dust settles” around delete Facebook that new regulations/guidelines will emerge for not only Facebook users but digital marketers as well. In my experience, change happens often on social media platforms.
Here are some of the recent changes Facebook has made that have affected personal and Facebook Business Fan Pages.
1. Facebook News Feed and Algorithm change – Facebook January 2018
2. People have been leaving Facebook for some time – USA Today February 2018
3. Facebook is changing the way Page Reach is Displayed – Social Media Today February 2018
4. Millenials have been going to Snapchat / Instagram – USA Today February 2018
Additional Note: Even SnapChat has had challenges lately – The Guardian February 2018
5. Facebook releases tool determine what information Cambridge Analytica had access to – Facebook April 2018
Before You Delete Facebook Consider the Following
- Community Connection – Facebook is still a positive place for online community – Pew Research Center March 2018
2. Facebook Profile Customization – You can “Customize” your Friends list so that you engage with the people YOU want to engage with – Facebook March 2018
You can also remove access to Applications that you use on Facebook that get your data – ABC News March 2018
Note – when removing the apps, you may need to click on APPS OTHERS USE (bottom left) and then click on Categories and remove access there too.
You can go so deep as to remove the “Interests” that Facebook will use for digital advertising targeting.
Under Categories, click Facebook Ads Controls (under How to contact Facebook with Questions). You can remove any interests you do not want to be targeted for here.
3. Be strategic how you use Facebook -We constantly tell our clients “Facebook is a tool – it helps magnify your online presence for personal and/or business” Adjust your Facebook Activity Log to make sure you only connect with those you want to – Facebook 2018
4. Facebook Data Isn’t the Only Data Obtained –
Even though we may not have realized how much data was obtained, we do release data in other areas of our life. For Example: Own a mortgage?- see data information here: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/hmda/explore
Before You Delete Facebook for Business (Fan Pages) consider the Following
If you are not comfortable with Facebook data – utilize other platforms
- We are noticing a huge increase on LinkedIn personal profiles and LinkedIn Company pages that is doing well for many clients. Buffer – December 2017
Diversify Your Marketing
- Because social media platforms change so frequently – we encourage our clients to make sure they utilize various social platforms in different ways. Your audience on Facebook is different than Instagram, etc.
Follow The Money
- Since Assistant Angel started 9 years ago, we have watched smaller companies be purchased by larger companies. Today, we are keenly aware of who owns which platforms. This does matter for online marketing strategy:
- Facebook owns Instagram – Investopedia
- Google owns Youtube – Investopedia
- Microsoft owns LinkedIn – CNET December 2017
- Since Assistant Angel started 9 years ago, we have watched smaller companies be purchased by larger companies. Today, we are keenly aware of who owns which platforms. This does matter for online marketing strategy:
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
- Nothing has changed with social media, other than our awareness of what has been behind the scenes for a long time.
- If it is a tool that you want to utilize, be strategic and slow in your engagement and make REAL Connections. That is the key. – Assistant Angel 2013
Relationship Marketing Still Wins
- In my experience no matter WHICH social media platform we choose, the biggest takeaway is to utilize that tool to engage with the colleagues and clients you want to engage with. – Forbes – 2013
Let’s Wait and See
As with previous changes in online marketing, as well as Facebook, let’s see what effect these recent revelations have on Facebook profile engagement and Facebook Fan Pages. In the meantime, if you are uncomfortable with Facebook, utilize a different platform to engage online (Ninja Tip – LinkedIn allows for engagement AND often shows in a google search. Connect with me on LinkedIn too!)
About the Author
Angel Lebak is the owner of Assistant Angel – Digital and Social Media Managers. Assistant Angel is a virtual marketing team serving clients worldwide since 2009.
Angel’s passion for small business AND the admin/marketers who serve them, is seen in her latest venture: Business Marketing Angels. This monthly membership allows business owners and their admin/marketing team member to get monthly topic training and weekly support for marketing questions they may have.
Angel also offers Marketing Coaching and Consulting for companies on their current online marketing trends. Angel’s reputation precedes her and she is one of the rising voices in the admin and marketing arena. Feel free to contact Angel and her team of marketing ninjas here.