Self-Recorded Videos 5 Ways to Look More Professional – Using video on social media for your small business. Marketing Angel
Social Media Tips
How Can I Keep Up with My Social Media? 7 Tools to Help You Succeed Online
Social media is one of the best ways to engage with your potential customers. Social media also keeps your business in front of current customers and clients. While each one of the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and...
7 Ways to Optimize Google My Business for Your Small Businesses in 2018
Google My Business is a powerful digital marketing tool that often gets overlooked. Most business owners think of it as the online equivalent of an old-fashioned phone book listing. On its surface, that’s what it is, but it can be so much more. Too many small business...
Delete Facebook? You May Want to Wait
We are seeing Twitter trend #DeleteFacebook because of concerns over Facebook’s handling of user’s data. (See NY Times article here). Before you delete your personal Facebook profile (or Facebook Fan Page) for good, consider the following: Facebook Recent Changes, For Facebook Business (Fan Pages) consider the Following
7 Tips for Creating Effective Social Media Marketing Plan
When beginning to prepare a social media marketing plan for your business, consider the 5 tips below for creating an effective marketing plan. I always encourage clients to take it SLOWLY during this process. It can be overwhelming because it requires you to view...
Social Media News for Clients and 12 Management Tools to Save You Time
AssistantAngel is celebrating its sixth year as a Virtual Assistant / Social Media Management company. We are very blessed to work with many amazing clients across the United States, Canada and world-wide. SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT ~ Back to Basics In looking back over...
Social Media Marketing: Slow and Steady Engagement Wins the Race [Updated]
I am more convinced that in this ever changing world of social media marketing, that the old saying “slow and steady wins the race” is very true.
I remember the early days of my Virtual Assistant business, and most small business owners believed that we needed to “push” our message out on various platforms. As social media exploded, those platforms were just another avenue to “post” your latest idea, blog or product for sale. The social media arena is quickly changing. So how do we do engage in the most effective way with our ideal client effectively?
Here are a few tips that I have seen work well for many of my clients. 1. Get to KNOW your fans and followers.
What do they love?
What do they LOVE about you?
Why did they choose to follow you and/or read your blog or comment on your post?
What is their ULTIMATE goal for their business?
For Example, on Facebook, be sure to learn how they came to become your fans and be sure to Welcome Them!
2. Find the common thread that you share with them.
Did they connect with you on Facebook from another platform?
Are they also followers of your blog?
How can you best serve that potential client?
Do they need your advice?
Do they need another expert who can better help them?
What is their “pain point”
One of the reasons that Pinterest has become such a hot trend in 2012 is because people can truly engage with what “connects” them. It is very interesting.
3. Engage, Engage, Engage