Business Advertising

Online Advertising is one way that your business can expedite reaching your ideal clients.

The challenge is that these advertising platforms are often challenging, and costly to figure out that “sweet spot” to begin to see results from your advertising.

Where Do I Advertise Online?

This is such a fabulous question with an interesting answer, in my experience.  It Depends.

It Depends on your current advertising budget.  It depends on where your ideal client is engaging online. It depends on WHAT you are offering and is it set up well (landing page etc).

There is a lot that goes into a really good ad – it isn’t as simple as hitting “BOOST NOW” on Facebook as it once was.

Many Options Available

In 2019 we are seeing great results on the following platforms for our clients

Expanding Your Advertising Budget

One way that Marketing Angel helps clients expand their marketing budget is by being realistic of WHAT the current advertising platforms are doing and HOW they are currently affecting advertising dollars (in real time).

For many of our monthly social media and online marketing, we will often adjust a clients advertising platform if we are not seeing the results we want to see.  We will also determine what is needed on the landing page, content, image, etc to see how to maximize the exposure of that ad for maximum potential.

How Much Advertising Budget Do You Need?

Again, It Depends.  I would recommend starting with a few hundred dollars per month and we can build from there.  We also want to be able to track your advertising and see the best platform that is the best fit for your marketing needs.

Flat Fee Advertising Management

One way Marketing Angel is different is we charge a flat fee (depending on the needs of the client) to manage a company’s online advertising.   I am fully aware that some digital marketing agencies capture a portion of advertising costs (ad spend) but as a business owner myself – I want to know ahead of time what costs will be a month for advertising.

We can always adjust the advertising budget.

Business Ownership of Advertising Platforms

There is nothing more frustrating for a Business Owner than to find out that business is NOT the actual owner of their own advertising account. Marketing Angel is different.  We will work on each business own advertising account. This way the business has full transparency of what we are working on, and most importantly, the business OWNS everything that is created.  Should the business not use our services anymore, they can easily manage it themselves with no interruption in their advertising management.

If Social Media and Online Advertising is an area you wanted to grow in your business, be sure to Request a Consultation here or contact us via email.

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