Marketing Strategy

“I know my business NEEDS to be online, I have wasted so many marketing dollars in the past. I really don’t know where to start so I won’t waste any more money”. ~ Multiple Business Owners

Marketing dollars matter. I understand this, I run a business too.

The biggest challenge with today’s online marketing is that the platforms are constantly changing – Changes to Google, Changes to Facebook algorithm, changes to web search, changes to content aggregation online.  It is hard to know where to start and which platforms you REALLY need to be concerned about.

Having a Marketing Strategy Helps Streamline Your Marketing Dollars

In my experience working with hundreds of business owners over the past 9 years, I have seen and personally recognized the value of a good strategy.  A digital and social media marketing strategy is a written plan. It is a guide that the rest of your marketing efforts will need to fit into.

Once your business has a good marketing strategy, you are able to better discern which of your current and upcoming projects/plans/ goals are really a good fit for your business.

Manage Expectations

This is the biggest win with a good strategy. You will have a better understanding of how social media and digital marketing platforms are currently working and realistically how much time and the cost is needed to have a strong presence on each.

The one take away from expectations is to recognize – Slow and Steady Wins the Race in Digital and Social Media.  If you want to conserve your advertising budget, then you can utilize social media marketing, great content, solid SEO and powerful engagement to be seen online faster.

Every Business is Different

You are not your neighbor.  Release yourself from the expectation that your business has to perform like another business.  Your audience may be different, your niche may be different, and most importantly — the personality of your business is different.  Don’t lose sight of that.  Often we find that business has a unique angle to their marketing that is their own.  Be sure to manage and utilize that for full effectiveness in your digital and social media marketing strategy.

If you would like to see if Social Media and Online Marketing Strategy is the right fit for your business, complete the Request for Consultation.