Website SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has changed dramatically over the years.

SEOBack when I started Marketing Angel in 2009, we saw SEO as a necessary need for all websites.  With the growth of social media, often companies could be found organically on Google, with strong social media presence.  I remember the days on Twitter when if we crafted a post correctly (back in 2012) we would be on the front of Google within hours.  Those Days Have Gone.

A Different Approach

In my experience, SEO is a necessary part of EVERYTHING a company does online.  Marketing Angel takes the SEO basics and makes sure they are part of EVERY part of your marketing – videos, blog posts, ads, keywords, etc.  We also are able to update the SEO on the website.

We have seen clients who take this comprehensive approach, not only spend less on SEO per month, but their overall online presence grows continually stronger.

SEO is Changing

Each month we see something new with SEO trends (ie Image Alt Text descriptions, Links, Keywords, etc).  Marketing Angel stays on top of these changes and makes sure we add them to your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) process for your website and marketing presence.

If SEO is something you would like for your business, Request a Consultation from the Marketing Angel team.

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